Thursday, October 25, 2012

Franciscan Happenings

I've been neglecting this blog for a few weeks now. with midterms and my first s.e.n.t. retreat out of the way I will have more time to devote more time to writing.

I'm so very thankful that midterms are out of the way. For the past two years, I've only had a small number of midterms. That was not the case this year! I had midterms or exams in all of my classes. Let's just say that I'm very thankful that they're over! With that, it amazes me how fast this semester has been going by! There are only five more weeks of classes.

This week I also met with my academic advisor, Bob Rice. At the meeting we figured out that I have two options: I could graduate in the fall of 2014 with a degree in Catechetics OR I can graduate the Spring of 2015 with a double major in theology, catechetics and a concentration in youth ministry. I was actually planning on graduating the spring of 2014.  I am pretty sure that God is calling me to double major and have the concentration.  Although I'm bummed that I'll be here an extra year and worried about how far back it will put me financially, I know that God has a plan for me. I strongly believe that God brought me to Franciscan for a reason and maybe it will take an extra year for me to figure out what exactly His plan is.

Life at Franciscan has been great. Even though I've been really stressed out lately, the campus is so peaceful and calm that I have been able to stay relaxed. It has been abnormabally hot for October here. I have been taking full-advantage though by praying the Rosary at the Grotto.  I will really dislike when colder weather comes which will make praying outside difficult. Here are two pictures that students have taken of the campus:

Funny Story: I had to give a personal testimony for my Intro to Catechetics class. In my personal testimony, I said that I was from Michigan and, like a true 'Michigander', I showed the class where I lived on my hand. A few people laughed, which I had expected. What I did not expect was the whole class laughing when I said that I moved during my senior year to Port Austin, which is at the "Tip of the Thumb".it seems that everyone refers to cities in Huron County as being in the "Tip of the Thumb", but I enjoyed everyone's reaction to that statement. Oh the joys of going to school with people from all over the country!.

I have often mentioned "Franciscan Culture" in my posts, so it would seem fitting for me to include one piece of insight in the life of a "Frannie". Believe it or not, it seems like at least one couple gets engaged each week.  Most relationships at franciscan aren't typical relationships in that most of them are courtships. What I mean by "courtship" is that typically Catholic relationsihps are rooted in the idea that the couple is working towards marriage.  These relationships are Christocentric and involve a lot of prayer and discernment.   It is common here that people begin dating during their time here and get engaged durign their senior year of college (although there are a few sophomores and juniors who are engaged). As wild as it may be, it's absolutely beautiful. May God bless them.
This coming Thursday is All Saints day! yay! I'm really looking forward to All Saints day because I'll get to celebrate it at home! I will be flying home on Halloween night and will get to spend the weekend at home doing some much-needed relaxing. I haven't been home sicne August, so i'm really looking forward to spending time with my family. 
Have a great day everyone!!! 

Sunday, October 7, 2012


This past week marked a lot of "firsts". The first of October came about along with a true feeling of fall. It was a bit cooler than normal plus the leaves have begun to change colors. I'm very excited for all of the leaves to become orange and yellow because, unlike flat Michigan, the Ohio Valley is made up of hills, hills and more hills! I am always in awe when driving around town at the many cliffs and hilly terrain. I will be sure to post pictures soon! it's already so beautiful here. I have a feeling that fall might just be my favorite season (thank you Ohio!).

Another first this week was my first homecoming weekend. Seeing all of the alumni who had a strong sense of joy and pride was very inspiring. I know that when I come back to Franciscan to visit, I will be feeling exactly like all of them do. My "favorite" alumni to see were those whose children were attending Franciscan. If God is calling me to marriage and blesses my husband and me with children, I would TOTALLY dig if they went to Franciscan. I know that this is so weird to say, but they will be going to Franciscan haha.

I went to my first Franciscan Talent show too! Franciscan is notorious for putting on stellar talent shows and I have been dying to go to one. This is a video from last year's talent show which has become super popular Here are two videos from this year's talent show: and God has blessed everyone with amazing gifts and talents. The talent show really expressed that.

Many parents also came out for homecoming, including my mom! It was my mom's first time coming out here to visit. This was her third time visiting Franciscan, but her first time visiting me, now an official franciscan student. My mom and I have a really close connection and I have missed her dearly.  It was a true blessing spending the weekend with her.

Spending time with my mom also made me feel something that I haven't really felt before---homesickness. When I was at madonna, I never truly felt homesick because I was still close to the town where I grew up.  Before, my best friend and I were able to hang out about once a week and my relatives were just a phone call away. Now, I'm five hours away. Five hours doesn't seem like much, but it's still five hours. Spending time with my mom made me realize how much I miss home. I miss my friends and my family. I miss going to Zack's or Sheesh late on Wedensday nights with my friends. I miss living down the hall from my sister. All Saints break is right around the corner though, so I'll be able to go home soon :).

Also, I started watching Dawson's Creek with my friends this weekend for the first time and I'm so much in love with the show. if all of the season are like the first, i'm hooked. Sidenote, I love 90 television shows. the.end.

The last "first" of this week which isn't as fun as homecoming weekend is first exams. I've had a fair share of exams these coulple of years, so they're not new to me. They're still a pain though, which is not fun at all. If you want to be a rockstar, please say a quick prayer asking for the intercession of St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Joseph of Cupertino for me and my fellow classmates!

Food for thought: This Thursday marks the Year of Faith, the 50th anniversary of Vatican II, the 20th anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church,  AND the Synod of New Evangelizing which opened up today (which is super duper cool because the fruit of the synod will be a document which will be most likely published by the Pope in a couple years, which I will most likely have the privelege to study while at Franciscan!).. I shall be writing a blog post about all this "fun stuff" sometime this week. here's more about it: Please keep the Synod in your prayers and prayerfully discern how you can make this year of faith "count".